Frequently Asked Questions

What is gold for and where do I get it?

Gold can be gained and used in a plethora of ways. The relative value of gold for purchases, and the best place to earn gold fast, constantly change as the economy fluctuates. Some income sources remain fixed while others will depend on your character's relative strength, or the state of the Veildian economy. Ideas for earning money, and ways to spend it, are listed below. This is, of course, by no means a complete list.

Income Sources:
  • Playing / Betting in the games section
  • Betting on Astral Battles
  • Taking treasure in dungeons
  • Finding treasure in dungeons
  • Referring friends to Fantasy Master Online
  • Random Events
  • Offering healing to other characters
  • Selling extract from the fountain to other players
  • Selling items you found, but don't plan to use, to other players
  • Selling found or purchased items after enchanting them to other players
  • Auctioning items you can't wait to sell
  • Selling ships you have captured

Costs of Living:
  • Playing / Betting in the games section
  • Betting on Astral Battles
  • Healing your character(s) after a battle
  • Buying metracite at the fountain if your characters are not lawful
  • Purchasing items from towns or other players
  • Winning auctions by other players
  • Fighting in The Pit
  • Fighting in The Astral Battles
  • Purchasing or repairing trade and war ships
  • Hiring crew for your ships
  • Paying ship captains their daily wage